Sin embargo, puede que usted se haya dado cuenta también de que hay una cualidad de carencia y de apego en esa intensidad. Usted se vuelve adicto a la otra persona. Él o ella actúa sobre usted como una droga. Usted está en un punto alto cuando la droga está disponible, pero incluso la posibilidad o el pensamiento de que pueda no estar ahí para usted puede llevarlo a los celos, la posesividad, los intentos de manipulación por medio del chantaje emocional, la inculpación y las acusaciones, el miedo a la pérdida. Si la otra persona lo deja, esto puede hacer surgir la más intensa hostilidad o la tristeza y la desesperación más profundas. En un instante, la ternura amorosa puede convertirse en un ataque salvaje o en una tristeza espantosa. ¿Dónde está el amor ahora? ¿Puede el amor cambiar en un instante a su contrario? ¿Era amor desde un comienzo o solamente un apego adictivo?
Nevertheless, you can have realized also of which there is a quality of deficiency and attachment in that intensity. You become addict to the other person. He or she acts on you like a drug. You are in a high point when the drug is available, but the possibility or the thought that it can not be there for you even can take it to the jealousy, the possessiveness, the attempts of manipulation by means of the emotional blackmail, the accusation and the accusations, the fear to the loss. If to the other it leaves it person, this can make arise the most intense hostility or the deepest sadness and the desperation. A moment, the loving tenderness can become a wild attack or a frightful sadness. Where it is the love now? Can the love change at a moment to its opposite? It was love from a beginning or only an addictive attachment?
Nevertheless, you can have realized also of which there is a quality of deficiency and attachment in that intensity. You become addict to the other person. He or she acts on you like a drug. You are in a high point when the drug is available, but the possibility or the thought that it can not be there for you even can take it to the jealousy, the possessiveness, the attempts of manipulation by means of the emotional blackmail, the accusation and the accusations, the fear to the loss. If to the other it leaves it person, this can make arise the most intense hostility or the deepest sadness and the desperation. A moment, the loving tenderness can become a wild attack or a frightful sadness. Where it is the love now? Can the love change at a moment to its opposite? It was love from a beginning or only an addictive attachment?
Text: , Eckhart Tolle, El Poder del Ahora
Photo: Nasa?